How do I check out a book?


To check out a book from the library, you will need a student ID or a government issued photo ID. (Like a drivers license or passport.) Bring the book or item and your ID to the circulation desk to check it out. If you need help finding a book, speak to a staff member at any service desk. 


When you find a book in our library catalog you can retrieve it by making a request, and picking it up from any campus library.

From the book catalog page (where you see all location information about the book.):

  1. Sign in via the Sign in Link in the yellow bar above the location information.
  2. Click 'Request' under the Get It label. .
  3. Choose the pickup location you would like from the dropdown menu.
  4. You do not need to choose options from the Terms of Use drop down, or the Pickup Date drop down.
  5. Submit your request.

You will be notified through student email when the book arrives on campus. This process takes approximately 3 - 5 working days.

Image: Catalog - Intercampus Loan



  • Last Updated Nov 23, 2022
  • Views 129
  • Answered By Mary Myers

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