How do I request a book?


When you find a book in our library catalog you can retrieve it by making a request and picking it up from any campus library.

From the book's catalog page (where you see publication and location information about the book.):

  1. Sign in with your student email ( and eCampus password. The sign in link is found in the yellow bar on the book page, or in the upper right corner of the search results page.
  2. Click Request under the 'Get It' label on the book page.
  3. Select the pickup location you would like to visit to check out your book. 
  4. Submit your request.

You will receive acknowledgment through your student email when the book arrives on campus. This process takes approximately 3 - 5 working days.

Image: Catalog - Intercampus Loan


  • Last Updated Nov 23, 2022
  • Views 56
  • Answered By Mary Myers

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