What is EBSCO?
What are EBSCO databases?
Dallas College Library subscribes to journal article, eBook, newspaper and video databases from EBSCO, Gale, ProQuest, and many other providers to provide digital content to the Dallas College Community. To access any of the database resources, you will need to authenticate with your Dallas College email and password when requested.
To access all of the databases we subscribe to, please check our A-Z Database list.
You can filter the A-Z Database list by using the drop down menus at the top of the list. Try filtering by Subject to narrow down your database options. See the If You're Not Sure Where to Start... menu on the right side of the page for general recommendations. Some good general databases are also linked below.
Academic OneFile: Access articles from a database of scholarly journals and other trusted periodicals covering a broad range of topics. A good place to look when you’re not sure where to start.
Opposing Viewpoints: Find a variety of perspectives on current event issues and controversies in the news, providing facts as well as pros and cons. Includes e-books, magazine articles, newspaper articles, multimedia, charts, graphs, and images.
Gale eBooks: Reliable overviews from authoritative subject encyclopedias.
Reach out to a librarian using the Ask-a-Librarian chat or email for help with your research search terms.